Complete edentoulusness?

Complete edentoulusness

It is no longer a problem with the "All on 4" concept and dentures on implants! Forget about the old bulky dentures that fall out while you talk and eat. Get back your self-esteem and quality of life that you had with your teeth! Modern technology and diagnostics (digital orthopantomogram, dental CT) allows for a fixed bridge on just four specially planned and positioned implants and you get new teeth in the shortest possible time. 

We live in a time where finances are a serious factor even when caring about what is most important, our own health. Therefore, as a more economical version, a creation of a classic prosthesis is possible, but fitted with implants (dentures on implants). With a rapid and elegant fitting of only two implants the patient receives a stable prosthesis that does not move and does not pinch in everyday function and, if necessary, can easily be removed and cleaned.

Esthetic dental center Zagreb - Published 20.04.2014 - 7376 views

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